Thursday, February 23, 2012

   Some people are better leaders than other people leader ship in family , i think i'm a good leader because when my dad is not at the house i take care of everything ,
 first of all i pass the vacum fix the sofas, clean the table, do the dishes ,
and i go to pick up my little brother to his school and i take care of him .
After i'm done cleaning the house my sister come from her school
i tell her to go to do her homework , or if she's hungy to come to eat first,
i do this every single day that my dad is not at the house ,
 when it gets dark i tell my brother that i want him to go to take a shower ,
 to do his homework and also ask him if he is hungry ,
 the way he can come eat frist , i put the din
i send a message to my girlfriend and i take a shower
to come prepare to school and start a new day.